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Winter Rates
January to mid-April
Base rate: $15,000 per group - up to 10 guests.
Additional Guests: $1500 per guest beyond the initial 10.
Coordinator Rate: The group coordinator will receive a $200 refund from Amiskwi for their work in organizing the group once the balance and waivers are received – see the responsibilities at the bottom of the page.
Pricing includes taxes and helicopter flights in/out.
Please ask about rates for children 2 -11
* Parents and/or legal guardians must accompany children.
Winter Booking
Group Coordinator Responsibilities
Winter Booking Request
Waivers & Assuming Risk
Please download & mail the completed waiver to:
Amiskwi Lodge Inc.
1013 Rundleview Drive,
Canmore, AB, Canada, T1W 2P5
Cancellations, Delays, & Insurance
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